Wednesday, 29 January 2014

World War 2

Because Germany had lost in the World War 1 they started a World War 2. Germany,Italy and Japan teamed up and UK,France,America,Russia and Canada teamed up as well and they both fought in the war.
 By yehia

Magnets and springs

By Jamie We are learning about magnets and springs it's bean really fun!!! I've liked the magnets but I've not yet had a go of being drest as a magnet.Mrs Bradley is the best.

World war 2

In world war 2 we have been learning about the leaders of the war and we all watch spy watch.               

By kian

Magnets and springs

 We learned about magnets and springs. We learned that they have a North Pole and a south pole if they have a blue side and a red side if you try to make them go together they will repel if the South Pole goes to the North Pole they will join together.if you push the blue to the blue it will spin

By Ben

What are magnets ?

Hello and my name is basima and we're learning about magnets would you like to.Well let's start Magnets are things that stick to types of metal .There are different types of magnet horse shoe bar magnet and more!w

World war 2

We've been learning about world war 2 Britain and Germany fought it started on 1939 to 1945.

By Daniel

World War Two

The Germans were fighting against the allies. They dropped bombs.

By Sema and gule 

Magnets and Springs

This magnet is very powerful and strong. By Zain

Units of measures

In year three we have Been learning about measures. The words for length are centimetre, metre and lots more.   

Here is an example of some words for measure 
By Safa & Aleesa 


We    Learn't about magnets and springs. We learned that magnets attract some metals.  There are south and North Pole. If you try to put a south  pole with a North Pole they attract. By kaleem

  by kaleem

Magnets and springs

We learned that magnets attract some metals.there are south and north poles.if you try to put a South Pole with a North Pole they attract.if you try to put a South Pole with a South Pole they repel.

by Amaar.A

World war 2

Because Germany had lost in World war 1 they stared a  World war 2.Germany,Italy and Japan teamed.  Up and uk franse